How to Dockerize JupyterLab

A full example of this repository can be found on my Github here. I often find myself exploring data using Python, Jupyter Lab, Pandas and various graphing programs. This has caused me to want to have a light weight, easy to use, and portable approach to standing up these tools. In the past, I have found myself using tools like pyenv to install a desired version of python for each project....

April 2, 2024 · 4 min · Greg Hilston

How To Use Plotly/Plotly Express & Dash With JupyterLab

Plotly is an incredibly useful tool for creating visualizations. It accepts data from a Pandas Dataframe and creates interactive visualizations. Plotly also released Plotly Express which is a higher level wrapper for Plotly. What’s nice is one can start with Plotly Express and go down to Plotly if one need’s more powerful features. $ python3 -m venv venv $ source venv/bin/activate $ python3 -m pip install jupyter jupyterlab plotly plotly-express $ sudo apt update $ sudo apt install nodejs npm -y $ jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-plotly $ jupyter lab build $ jupyter lab ....

April 4, 2021 · 2 min · Greg Hilston