Udemy SQL Course: Configuration & Leveraging Of Docker

Configuring A Postgres Database For Studying link to course One of the first things the course walks you through is setting up a Postgresql Database so that one can practice. I’ve elected to set my Postgres database inside a Docker container to make the installation process simpler, instead of installing Postgresql locally, I elected to leverage my home server and run Postgresql using this Docker image and PG Admin as a UI interface....

April 18, 2021 · 4 min · Greg Hilston

Python, Pandas and SQL (Oh my!)

I find myself using Pandas with almost ever python data-esque project. Additionally, the databases I most often interact with are relational, specifically SQL. These basic instructions will allow you to query a SQL database and get the results as a Pandas data frame. $ sudo pip3 install pandas sqlalchemy mysqlclient I’ve also used flask_sqlalchemy when writing an API. $ sudo pip install sqlalchemy For ubuntu, install the g++, sqlclient and make sure you get python3....

July 11, 2019 · 2 min · Greg Hilston